Thursday, October 27, 2016

Making America Great Again is Scary for Some

“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” ― Edmund Burke

I do not think America should want to be great again because "again" includes native populations being decimated by disease and then being forced off their land by invaders with superior weapons, the same populations being sterilized without permission, the Tuskegee Experiment, shaming victims of sexual assault, hunting animals into extinction, Jim Crow laws and a multitude of hate groups, considering spousal and child abuse to be private family business, being slow to address the HIV infection because marginalized populations died first, polluting the environment, the Cold War, not everyone being able to vote, not really believing all humans were created equal, unequal access to education, healthcare, jobs, and housing, bombings, anger, frustration, division, global warming, race lines, class lines, religious persecution, internment camps, talk of building a wall, xenophobia, having deep and emotional scars from seeing how poorly humans can treat each other and so many other things not popping into my mind at this time.

Nostalgia is dangerous if it prevents a forward progression.  America is on the right path but it can do better.  It is wonderful to invite the huddled masses yearning to breathe free to your nation's shores, but the open invitation must be extended to every woman, man, and child.  I think many Americans like to think back to the "glory days" when this country liked to present itself as a wealthy, business-savvy world power which was at the forefront of scientific discovery as well as the leader of the free world.  This was a facade which tried to negate the pain and suffering of so many Americans who were being failed daily.  I am not the only one who would NEVER want to go back to ANY time in America's history.  And that fact must be acknowledged.  .

Do not get me wrong.  No country founded and governed by imperfect people will ever be a perfect place.  I am not asking for that type of nirvana.  I am asking this nation to keep it real.  It takes a village to raise a nation to progressively higher levels of greatness.  Giving voice to the differing points of view about what is good to keep and what has to be thrown out immediately will keep us all on our toes, inspiring America to become a place where there is liberty and justice for all.    

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